Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Second Project - Slow Weekend : 20-10-15

I didn't get as much done as I would have liked last weekend. I managed to get the triggers working and added the sound effects Felan gave me. The player movement was a bit glitchy, every time the player character rotated while walking the light would shake, this would be a good feature if the shaking wasn't so strong. Unfortunately it's also a bug and I would prefer it if I could change it into a feature just in case it leads to other problems. The monster spawn points work the way I intended, monsters spawn at random positions around the player character just outside the screen before they run in towards the player. Right now I just have the space bar pushing them back as a way to test their movement, I still need to add a raycast to the player so whenever the player character was facing a monster they would move backwards towards the edge of the screen then disappear.

I didn't hear anything from Erika over the weekend but I'm sure she's working hard. Felan has sent me ll the ambient sound effects, music and the player character voice overs, now I just need the teacher voice overs and monster sound effects and that would be the audio completed. Still need to add the player character's voice overs, I may do it the same way I did the ambiance by adding them to the audio triggers. I think I'll also change the ambient sound effects to play at random times as the player may stand in one spot for long periods of time without any sound effects playing. I could also do this with the player characters voice overs but I want certain ones to play when the monsters appear and when she is caught and don't want to have her saying one thing then have the voice over randomly say something else over the top. But the monster counter on the Game Controller script could fix this, just play the random voices when the counter is zero.

I was a bit distracted over the weekend, I spent a lot of time reading articles on the world building school website. I learnt some interesting things about cartography, fantasy languages and things to consider about creating the universe of an MMO like the cosmology, creating religions, how they change or interact with each other, and how the world itself could evolve. I'm going to practice worldbuilding during my breaks between working on the current Studio project.

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