Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Second Project - GreyBox and Scripting Plan : 13-10-15

I now have two animators and an audio student helping me complete the next project, I've filled them in via the HCD, assets list and mood pitch document, now they all know their work load and dead lines. I began working on a greybox today and all i need to do now is the scripts before the others have completed their tasks and I start implementing them into the scenes.

Sean helped me polish my TDD on Monday so now I have a pretty decent idea on how I want to lay them out. I'll have scripts controlling the behavior of the player and monsters, camera positioning, audio and spawn triggers, and a game controller. I want the monsters to appear at certain times so I've created trigger objects that will spawn a certain amount and different types of monsters within a given time frame, same with the audio triggers which will play some ambient sound effects to hopefully frighten the player.

Originally I was going to make the player controls the basic vertical and horizontal inputs with the mouse as rotation but Sean thought that having a mouse click as movement would keep thing simple and create more stress or anxiety for the player (being forced to stop shining light at the monsters to move around), so I will give that a try to see how it feels.

I think the only issues I will have will be in the monster behavior script and some desirable actions (like having the camera shake when monsters get too close to the player), no doubt I will come across bugs and other functions that I will need help getting passed but I will worry about them when they reveal themselves. The amount of scripting involved with this project doesn't appear to be overly immense and should be fairly quick to get though (a couple of days or so) which will leave time for polishing and allow me to help the animators with texturing (and modeling if they need help there).

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