Saturday, 4 July 2015

Post 04-07-15 : Virion Play Test

The play tests for VIRION went a lot better than I was expecting, everyone who played enjoyed themselves, Tony and Steve both liked it and it's given me the motivation to continue working on it and hopefully put it on Steam or the app store. We still have a lot of polishing to do. Textures, better sound effects, animations (though I'm not sure if we are still adding animations), new maps, a unit selection screen, and more detailed instructions still need to be added, witch is what the next week will be focused on.

We covered a few things after the play tests about why people were saying that the Trojan and Spyware were overpowered. They only appear to be overpowered because it's a new game, no one knows any strategies yet and the style of the map may have caused the Trojans to appear to be more of a hassle than they are worth. We decided that we won't change the range or abilities of these units, except for the Spayware's ability to pass through other units, and instead design new boards to see if the layouts change anything. Allowing people to choose what units they want and where they sit may also change gameplay and strategies.

I've started working on a small side project of mine but I think I need to find a better way to animate sprites other than making each frame on Photoshop. I will also start writing up documents for it too. I should also go back to working on my previous personal project but I'm not sure how successful it will be at this point. I should write up some documents for this game too to keep me from getting off track and making a mess or making it too complicated. Perhaps I will keep this one for the holidays, my new idea feels a lot more simple if I can get the sprites complete, They may be able to go towards my LOs as well.

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